Whew i AM?
Hi there, this is a brief introduction about me.
Name: Quinna Marie Abella Bagaforo
Age: 15 years old
Avatar name: 00dizzy00
Nickname: Dee
Location: Barcelona Spain
Occupation: Student 4th year in Secondary level.
Laguages Spoken: English, Spanish, Catalan, Tagalog, German and Filipino Dialects (Ilocano, Pangalatok and Bisaya).
Ambition: To be a succesful Lawyer and Buisnesswoman.
Skills: Learn langauges easily and picture editing skills.
Hobbies: Dancing hiphop, ballet ballroom and belly dancing. Singing in operas and opm and rNb songs, Reading both fiction and non fiction books. Playing guitar and writing songs.
Dislikes. I really don't like people who are shouting and doesnt act formally in certain occasions.
Likes: Cookies, chocolates and chocolates and chocolates.